What I said … What I meant

Yesterday’s blog went badly from the beginning. The title, “Reasons to reject advice,” led everyone astray. It sounded like I was offering legitimate reasons to reject advice. Better titles would have been “Don’t reject advice,” or “Bogus reasons to reject advice.” The original title sounded fine in my jet lagged mind because I said it with a sarcastic tone. However, the Leadership Freak community couldn’t hear the tone when they read the words. Naturally, they assumed I was giving real reasons to reject advice.

I’m offering three examples of what I said followed by what I meant. I hope it helps.

Here’s what I said. “I reject advice when I think I’m competent.”

Here’s what I meant. Competence tends to make me think I don’t have more to learn. It may be the reason I wrongly close myears to advice. It shouldn’t but it does.

Here’s what I said. “I reject advice when it comes from someone less experienced.”

Here’s what I meant. Rejecting advice should be about the message and not the messenger. Don’t prejudge.

Here’s what I said. “I reject advice from those who’ve failed.”

Here’s what I meant. I should listen to people who fail. Failure teaches people what not to do and learning what not to do saves us a world of hurt.

The best advice is advice you think you don’t need. If you listen carefully it may surprise you.


I’m walking away from yesterday’s blog. I’m learning from my mistakes. I can tell you what not to do when writing a blog. Don’t expect your readers to hear the tone floating around in your head. Choose clear titles. Don’t use sarcasm.

Leadership Freak

Dan Rockwell