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“W” words for leaders

This is the “W” installment in the series “Alphabet for Leaders.” I thought I’d break the pattern with this one. Here’s a list of “W” words followed by the first thing that popped into my mind.

Waffle/Waver: Never waffle when it comes to taking responsibility. Never waver when it comes to honoring others.


Wage war: Attack the tendency of all organizations to turn inward and begin focusing on themselves.


Wagon: Hitch your wagon to someone who has gone further than you have.


Warts: Your warts make you beautiful. Well, at least they make you interesting.


Weary: Too much weariness leads to waste.


Wake up call: Inner dissatisfaction is you trying to get your own attention.


Wisdom: Knowledge is about what’s in your head. Wisdom is about what’s in your hands and feet.


Whee/whoohoo: Have some fun before you’re done.


When: The meeting isn’t over until everyone knows when things need to be done.


Whiff: If you swing at things you’re bound to miss. Only bench-sitters never whiff.


Whittle: Break big issues into small pieces. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.


Whackos/weirdoes: They might be right.


Wronged: It’s wrong that you’ve been wronged. Now what?


Wreck: If, from time to time you don’t feel like you are going to wreck, pull over and let someone else drive.


Worth: Did you know that some activities are worth more than others? Spend yourself of things of worth.


Worry: Don’t!

Work: Do!


Worm: Even the shiniest apple may have a worm.


Words: Your words are rudders. They take you places.


Woozy: How I feel contemplating tomorrow’s post on the letter “X.”


What “W” word for leaders can you add to the list?

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