The Power of Commitment

A risk free life is a boring life.

Yesterday, a college senior and I discussed life and career choices. He feels stressed. He realizes a decision today may establish the direction of his life.

Uncertainty fuels risk, risk fuels stress.

Our conversation reminded me that risk does more than fuel stress, it can fuel passion.

Moving from stress to passion

Commitment turns paralyzing stress into energizing passion. For example, suppose my senior friend commits himself to live near family rather than letting career choose his geography. His commitment transforms stress into passion. He’s no longer paralyzed. He’s energized to find the best job available within his geographic restrictions.

Leaders face stress.

I believe commitment converts stress into passion. Are you stressed out? Perhaps your stress is fueled by a lack of commitment to clear objectives. Perhaps you aren’t committed to a clear direction or destination.

One factor in making a commitment

Values clarify and drive decisions and enable commitments. Rather than focusing on confusing complexities and current decisions, first clarify your values. Ask the question, “What’s most important to me?” Ask, “What drives me?”


What goes into making a commitment to a clear destination? (organizationally/individually)

Have you experienced a conversion from paralyzing stress to energizing passion? What fueled the conversion?


Disclaimer: This short post isn’t intended to address all the complexities of stress management.