Measuring intangibles

“What gets measured gets done,
what gets rewarded gets repeated.”

It feels awkward to measure the relational aspect of leadership. For example, setting a goal to have a two minute conversation with three employees today may seem fake or insincere. It doesn’t have to.

You’ll improve the relational component of leadership if you measure your relational skills.

Listening, communicating, supportiveness, sensitivity, silence, tolerance, calmness, transparency, attentiveness, can all be measured.

Measure relational skills by measuring relational behaviors.

If you’re typically rushed, set a goal to give an employee one minute of calm attention. Settle your mind, breath deep, and stay in the moment for at least one minute.

Show supportiveness by remembering names or other life-details. Keep a notebook if you can’t remember on your own. Commit to remembering two new names today. Learn a name then return to that person later in the day and use it. Go for it.

It’s only fake and ignoble if your goal is manipulation. It’s not fake if you sincerely want to.

Tell someone what you are doing.

My coach calls me every day at 4:50 p.m. to ask me a series of predetermined questions. Your chances of success dramatically improve if you find someone to hold you accountable. If at 4:50 p.m., someone calls to ask for two names you learned today, you’re more likely to remember.


How would you measure intangibles?