For whiners only

About 6 months ago I had great fun getting a few things off my chest. Many readers had fun adding their own irritations to the list. I’m declaring this “Whining Wednesday,” again. I’m going to share something that ticks me off. I’m not really looking for solutions. I’m just whining.

It really ticks me off when those going nowhere criticize those working to go somewhere. Who do they think they are? How can they give themselves permission to be arm chair quarterbacks? Honestly, when I listen to the visionless criticize vision; I want to ask them, “Where are you going in life?” I want to ask, “What happens to me if I listen to you?” I want to say, “Where are you taking your circle of friends?” Or, “Who are you lifting higher?”

I’m not thinking about individuals grappling with finding vision. I’m thinking about short-sighted folks who yank the rug out from under you while you’re striving to be long-sighted.

Hey, this feels good. I’m on a roll! Here are a couple more things that tick me off!

It really ticks me off when people say they’ll do something and don’t do it. Sadly, I’m guilty of this one too. When I over commit or let someone down, I’m ticked at myself.

It really ticks me off when people pretend they can do something when they know they can’t.

I’m interested in what ticks you off. What’s the burr under your saddle, stone in your shoe, or tack in your chair? Feel free to post under a false name.


What’s one of your leadership frustrations?

On the other hand, how do leaders tick you off?

Here’s a challenge for those rejecting today’s “gripe mode.” Turn the gripes you read into something positive.


If you liked this post, check out:

Things that tick leaders off!

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