Five Tested Techniques for Achieving Results Through Others

The organization I lead just closed the books on a fresh initiative that reflects an important leadership principle; the less you do the more you get done.

I coached the lead person of this project for several months. His high performance reminds me of five dynamic principles that enable leaders to achieve results through others.

How to get things done through others?

Build relationships of trust with high-potential individuals. Leadership always begins with trust. Trust is not built on what others do for you; it’s built on what you do for others. Show respect for the values and skills of your team members; understand and appreciate them.

Find ways to connect the dreams and hopes of others to organizational mission and vision. The lead person of the latest initiative sees himself as a leader. This project stretched him and lifted him toward his vision for himself.

Appreciate the skills of others. The lead person on this project is a gifted organizer. He’s not the person to cast the vision but he masterfully gets all the ducks in the row.

Leverage new relationships. Over the last three years, I’ve shifted my focus from leading to developing leaders that lead without me. It’s the path of long-term growth and success for all organization.

Long-term team members are comfortable with standardized processes and procedures. They may, understandably, be lagging adopters. New people are more open to shifts in leadership philosophy. Go with passionate new people.

I’m not suggesting you neglect or ignore long-term relationships. They will, however, adjust more slowly. They have more invested in established patterns. Remain open, inclusive, respectful, and encouraging to lagging adopters.

Lastly, support and keep out of the way.

How do you get things done through others?