The Truth about What’s Holding You Back


Every great start begins with a painful stop.

The first step toward the right destination is to stop going in the wrong direction.

Casting vision isn’t doing. Dreaming of how you want to change things won’t change them. You’re problem isn’t lack of dreaming – it’s lack of stopping.

The first step after dreaming is stopping; it’s the hardest step. Lack of stopping is the main reason you can’t start. It’s impossible to continue on your current course and change direction at the same time.

Stopping so you can start:

  1. Courageously embrace your vision – exciting part.
  2. Identify attitudes, activities and habits that are good but not useful – challenging part.
  3. Start stopping – hardest most courageous part – get help.
  4. Begin starting activities and behaviors that create your preferred future – scary unknown part.
  5. Stop things you started but didn’t work – disappointing part.
  6. Adjust course (frequent fresh starts) – essential ongoing part.

Suggested stop list:

  1. Stop neglecting yourself. Get the training you need. Find a mentor. Nurture your spirit and take care of your body. Take care of you so you can take care of others.
  2. Stop neglecting those most important to you. One of life’s tragedies is sacrificing what is really important on the altar of the insignificant. Things that last forever are more important than things that don’t.
  3. Stop neglecting your vision.
  4. Stop procrastinating.

Everyone is always headed somewhere. The number one reason you aren’t going where you want to go is you’re busy going in the wrong direction.

If you were wondering:

I’m still big on the power of positive focus – it fuels the dark dirty work I’m talking about today.

What helped you stop doing the wrong things so you could do the right things?

What “stopping so we can start” suggestions can you offer?


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