How to Pop the Cork on Tough Conversations

If excellence was easy there’d be more of it.

Excellence challenges average.

The path to excellence is paved with tough conversations; not mean, tough. All great leaders achieve excellence by facing tough issues quickly and head on.

“Tough issues aren’t like wine.” Michael Hyatt.

I asked Michael Hyatt, Chairman of Thomas Nelson publishing and author of “Platform,” about life’s tipping points and he told me about a coach he had years ago. Michael said,

“I had a problem. I was
tip toeing around tough issues.”

Michael’s coach asked, “Why do you see people as small?”

“What do you mean?”

Hyatt’s coach continued, “You see people as fragile and unable to handle what you have to say. Shift your paradigm about how you think about people.” As a result, Michael said:

  1. I’m standing for greatness in myself and others. Hyatt was already a man of excellence. He’s been that way since his college days. Standing for greatness reaches beyond personal excellence. It’s courageous and public.
  2. We can’t become great unless we talk.
  3. They can handle it.

“Successful leaders step into tough conversations.” Michael Hyatt.

6 Tips for tough conversations:

  1. Sooner is better than later. Err on the said of soon. If you’re wondering if it’s time to have a tough conversation, the answer is likely yes.
  2. Elevate the best interests of your people and organization. It’s about your values but ultimately it’s about them.
  3. Don’t point to greatness from a distance, go with.
  4. Face negative issues with positive suggestions and solutions.
  5. Always lead with vision. Identify preferred futures. Any fool can point out weaknesses and failures. Great leaders point to greatness.
  6. Combine calm and compassion with toughness. Compassion isn’t weakness it’s strength. Weak leaders berate and beat down. Strong leaders lift.

How can leaders successfully step into tough conversations?

Michael Hyatt just released his new book, “Platform.” It’s must reading for anyone with something to say or sell. It’s the most practical book on Social Media I’ve read.

Buy “Platform” by May 25, 2012 and enjoy over $375 worth of bonus benefits.