Memo to the New Team 2/22/13

Building bridges

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To the New Team:

You may be wondering why you don’t have more direction. It’s intentional.

The advantage of new teams is no history.

The advantage of being told what to do is safety. Freedom, on the other hand, makes the storming process more turbulent but the result is ownership.

You have the big picture and I trust you.

Your first few meetings include searching for clarity of roles, function, and identity.

Searching for clarity feels confusing and awkward.
Search for clarity with optimism.

Be realistic about your challenges without becoming pessimists. Don’t bury your head in the sand. If you do, you’ll fail. But…

Trust your ability to find answers.

Norming is the third stage of team formation:

  1. Esprit de corps emerges. Respect and connection describe relationships. Norming results from working through storming. Allow time for bonds to form.
  2. Shared goals create focus and guide decisions. It takes time for personal agendas to fade and the big picture to come into focus.
  3. Rules of relationship are established. Everyone agrees on how to treat fellow team members. Some team members need more prep time than others, for example. This will be acknowledged and respected.

Go to: “Memo to the New Team,” for info on the first two stages of team formation.

Five questions to ask yourselves:

  1. How can I help others fit in?
  2. How can I support others?
  3. How can I show respect to the talent of others?
  4. How can we move forward? Teams spiral into negativity apart from forward movement. Small comes before big.
  5. How can we be bold without being foolish?

Bonus tip: Put the person with the most complicated schedule in charge of scheduling meetings.

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