When Your Heart Lets Others Down

Leadership quote

Negative environments are built by negative leaders.

Organizations reflect their leaders.

All leaders influence attitudes and behaviors. The people closest to you reflect you. If you aren’t influencing, you’re not leading. (Take this as a general principle not a moral absolute. Some people stay positive inspite of you.)

Rude in other’s eyes:

Rushing makes you rude. You see yourself as nice in your heart but there’s no time to show it. That makes you rude in the eyes of others.

Rude leaders – those who don’t have time for niceties – tell others they don’t matter. It doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or accidental.

Every act of rudeness says, “I’m more important than you.”

Rude leaders build self-centered, self-protective organizations.

Ungrateful in other’s eyes:

Pressing into the future makes leaders seem ungrateful about the present.

You see yourself as grateful but you don’t recognize achievement without reminding everyone they aren’t there yet.

The team reached goals this week but missed them last. What do you say when they celebrate? “That doesn’t fix last week!” You don’t want people letting down next week so you keep pushing. You’re an ungrateful jerk, even if you don’t feel that way.

Kind and grateful:

Kindness and gratitude build positive environments. Rudeness and ingratitude build negative environments – even if you don’t mean to be negative. You seem unkind even if you don’t feel it. Stop excusing neglect because you’re stressed.

Gratitude left unexpressed is perceived as ungratefulness.
Unexpressed kindness is unkindness regardless of intent.

Positive environments:

Behaviors you wish you had time for don’t change anything. Feeling it “in your heart” isn’t enough. Wishing doesn’t matter.

Organizations reflect observable leadership behaviors. Express gratitude. Act kindly. Stop whining about negative environments created by neglect.

What leadership behaviors build positive environments?

WBOLS 2013