How to Get What You Want


The law of consequence says thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and decisions produce corresponding results.

Apart from the law of consequence,
leadership doesn’t matter.

The law of consequence and getting what you want:

Give what you want.

Four examples of giving what you want.


Young leaders, who want respect from their elders, earn respect by giving it. Elders feel respected when you seek their advice, listen intently, ask intelligent questions, and honor their experience. Give respect if you hope to receive it.


People don’t appreciate you because you don’t appreciate them. The law of consequence indicates the more gratitude you give the more you get. Stop expecting gratitude, give it.


The law of consequence proposes the more you work for them, the more they work for you. “Do as I say,” works with children but is outgrown.


The more you expect, the more they expect. The more you call others to pour out, for example, the more you must pour in.

 Three missing links:

You may be thinking, “I show gratitude all the time but don’t get it back.” What’s up with that? The law of consequence is a principle of life not a mathematical formula.

One issue is how not what. Are you showing gratitude the way you want to receive it or the way they enjoy it? Leadership is about them not you.

Manipulation is another roadblock. Fake respect or gratitude, for example, is manipulation. It reeks. The law of consequence cuts both ways. Manipulators will be manipulated.

Grace – giving and receiving what isn’t earned – is the third missing link. Grace supersedes and overthrows the law of consequence.


The law of consequence cannot change the past. Frustrations about the past are about you today, not the past. Nothing you do changes the past. Mistakes, for example, can be corrected but never undone.

How can you apply in your leadership today?

Ooops: After publishing this post, I found another with the exact title: “How to Get What You Want