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Two Words that Create Focus Quickly

tee ball

He just stood there, pleased with himself…

Our children played Tee Ball. Focus isn’t part of a kid between 4-6 years old. They wander around the outfield chasing butterflies, scratching themselves, and finding bugs in the dirt. Some just sit in the grass.

I’ll never forget one little player who surprised himself when he stood up to the tee and connected with the ball. He just stood there, pleased with himself.

The ball was a magnet. The infield was in chaos.

Moms and dads, sitting in the stands, yelled, “Run! run!” So the little fellow neatly laid the bat down and ran…straight to third base!

One excited player threw the ball at him. Thankfully she missed.

Finally, a coach pointed the wayward base runner toward first base. He joyfully trotted over the the unoccupied pitcher’s mound toward his new goal.

While he zigzagged, another player grabbed the ball and gave it a mighty heave. Who knows where?

By this time, the delighted base runner was gleefully jumping up and down on first base.


Unfocused leaders and employees:

  1. Passionately run around.
  2. Forget the big picture.
  3. Hit the ball once, but don’t follow through.
  4. Take the circuitous route.
  5. Need constant attention.

Three focus questions:

  1. What’s the most important thing you can do this morning?
  2. How can you bring out the best in others this morning?
  3. How will things be different if you/they succeed this morning?

Two words:

The rubber hits the road when you add two focus-words to questions or statements – “this morning.”

Short-term deadlines create focus.


  1. Accelerates success.
  2. Maximizes resources.
  3. Unifies effort.
  4. Enables winning.

Some, perhaps many, on your team have the attention span of Tee Ball players. Frankly, I weave. Don’t you? But, leaders create and maintain focus.

What prevents focus?

How can leaders create focus?

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