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7 Ways to Start Your Week Like a Leader

Monday morning is the most stress-filled morning of the week. Don’t let Monday push you around. Take charge of your week now.

  1. Connect with that person you’ve been meaning to reach out to. You’re so busy solving issues that you’re neglecting connections. Set up lunch with someone you don’t know, perhaps another leader within your organization. Learn about their challenges and opportunities. Ask how you can be helpful.
  2. Give an encouraging word to high performers. It’s easy to neglect those who are making the biggest contribution. Stop by their office. Thank them for a job well done. Be specific. Then, turn and walk away. Leave them waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  3. Choose a priority. What’s important, now? Of all the issues you’re grappling with, which one will make the most difference for your organization. How much time can you give it? Who do you need to involve? What does progress look like?
  4. Address an issue you’ve been putting off. Your heart-rate increases every time you think of it. Don’t solve it. Just start a conversation.
  5. Identify a team member that is under-performing. Don’t assume you know why. Ask questions. Express concern for their success, with compassion.
  6. Clarify expectations with someone who disappointed you. Weak leaders aren’t clear about their expectations. Then, when they’re disappointed, they feel frustrated at others. You are the issue, if you haven’t clarified expectations.
  7. Shift to gratitude when you feel frustrated or worried. Be grateful for opportunities to serve. You matter most when you’re working on issues that matter.

How can you face your week like a leader?

Which of the suggests above resonate with you?

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