How Leaders Use Hump Day

Give yourself 10 minutes for reflection before tackling today’s challenges.

You’ve been so busy solving urgencies and pressing into future goals that you haven’t taken time reflect, prepare, and give feedback.


#1 – Reflect on yourself

With the first of the week in mind, ask yourself:

  1. What makes me joyful? Thankful?
  2. What did I do that makes me proud?
  3. How did I energize the team?
  4. Where did I get distracted from priorities? Why?
  5. What have I learned?
  6. What frustrates me?
  7. What would I like to do more of?

#2 – Reflect on others

With the first of the week in mind, ask yourself:

  1. Who enriched the work environment?
  2. Who dragged others down? Leaders look for energy drainers.
  3. Who performed at their peek?
  4. Who was under-utilized?
  5. Who needs encouragement, direction, or correction?
  6. Who spun their wheels?
  7. What questions were people asking?

#3 – Prepare for Friday

With the end of the week in mind:

  1. What must be completed by Friday? Does the team know?
  2. What course adjustments should I make now?
  3. What awkward issues should be addressed today?
  4. Who should be reassigned?
  5. What projects are behind schedule?
  6. What or who concerns you?

#4 – Give feedback

You give too little feedback.

Get the most out of hump day by making it feedback day. Connect with your team and share practical, specific feedback that’s based on reflections about yourself, them, and Friday.

Feedback is always about the future, even though it starts in the past.

  1. Tell teammates how they are doing.
  2. Ask them how you are doing with specific projects or behaviors in mind.
  3. Clarify objectives.
  4. Point out progress.
  5. Create urgency.
  6. Refocus on purpose.
  7. Energize high performers.

Bonus: Say thank you.

Double bonus: Be brief.

What questions for reflection would you add?

What tip about giving feedback can you share?