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Three Steps Toward Getting What You Want

You won’t produce the results you desire until you define and engage in the behaviors that get you there and stop the behaviors that don’t.

Wanting things to be better doesn’t get you what you want.

Define the want:

The first step toward getting what you want is defining it.

You want to be a better leader. Better in what way?

Use what you don’t want as a platform. Dig into what you don’t like and ask the second question. What do I want?

You struggle with tough conversations, for example. What do you want?

Pivotal step:

Forget about long lists and complicated strategies. Define one simple behavior that improves your ability to have tough conversations.

Procrastination, for example, hinders leaders from having tough conversations.

I’ve never heard anyone say, “I wish I’d waited longer to deal with that problem.”

Pivotal step: Schedule one tough conversation a week. Once you get it on the calendar, go figure out the rest.

Complexity or simplicity:

The decision to schedule one tough conversation every week is too simple for leaders who love hiding behind complexity. After all, you already have all the skills necessary to schedule appointments.

Fearful leaders create complexity and then hide behind it.

Choose one simple behavior, that addresses a reason for failure, and do it. Make it so simple anyone could do it. Pick up the phone and say, “I’d like to figure out how we can get this project back on schedule. When are you available?”

Three steps toward getting what you want:

  1. Explore what you don’t like.
  2. Define what you want.
  3. Choose one simple, meaningful behavior and do it.

What simple behaviors might address common leadership issues?

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