The Editor of Forbes on Grit

If you’re not pretty or smart don’t worry. Intelligence doesn’t determine success.

Emotional intelligence is more important than general intelligence, but hard work is more important than both.

get dirty

Just get dirty and do the work.

Rich Karlgaard, publisher of Forbes magazine and author of, “The Soft Edge,” believes, “grit is a form of intelligence.”

“In the real world, smarts isn’t about looking for the next star student with a 4.0 or having an IQ that can boil water. Instead, it’s about the importance of hard work, of perseverance and resilience. Call it grit.” Rich Karlgaard.

Grades or grit:

You judge young leaders by academics. But there comes a point when grades and pedigree don’t matter.

“I know this irritates a lot of people, but once you’re at a certain point in your career – and it’s not that far out, maybe five years – all the grades and academic credentials in the world don’t mean anything anymore.” Tom Georgens (CEO of NetApps in “The Soft Edge”)

Rich was quick to tell me that he believes grit is a form of intelligence.

Gritty leaders:

  1. Create teams of doers not talkers. Sluggards love talking about what they’re going to do.
  2. Protect gains and take new ground at the same time.
  3. Judge themselves and teammates on track record not academic record.
  4. Do hard stuff first.
  5. Confront tough issues. Ask awkward questions.
  6. Sweat small stuff. Concentrate on fundamentals. Coach Wooden taught college basketball players how to put their socks on every year.
  7. Follow through. Don’t tell me what you start. Tell me what you finish.
  8. Choose simple over dramatic.
  9. Reject haste.
  10. Keep learning. Intellectual contentment leads to leaders who feel superior and entitled.

Gritty leaders get more done.

What are gritty leaders like?

jc-rich-karlgaardThis post is inspired by my conversation with Rich Karlgaard and his new book “The Soft Edge.”

I heartily recommend “The Soft Edge” both for its rich content and engaging style.