10 Principles for Coaching Your Players to Success

Impatient leaders rely on power and authority to get things done.

Persistent application of power and authority drains energy from those in it’s wake.

Coaching leaders share power.

shared purpose

10 principles for coaching your players to success

#1 Align:

Shared purpose creates alignment.

Create a “we’re pulling together” environment.

Two people pulling in the same direction achieve greater success than two people pulling against each other.

Ask, “Why is that important to you,” until shared purposes rise up.

#2 Don’t fix:

People resent being fixed.


  1. Know it all.
  2. Emote arrogance.
  3. Impose themselves on others.
  4. Make people feel rejected.
  5. Focus compulsively on the weaknesses of others.
  6. Judge others through the eyes of their strengths.
  7. Feel frustrated when things don’t go their way.
  8. Take the credit. “I told you.”
  9. Create helplessness. The more you do for others, the more helpless they become.
  10. Drain energy. People find energy when they do what they want to do not what you pressure them to do.

Bonus: Fixers feel like solutions are easy if you just do it their way.

#3. Ask.

Follow curiosity about the purpose, passion, strengths, and goals of others.

#4. Focus on observable behaviors.

#5. Find an “imperfect” path forward.

Don’t waste time finding the perfect path. Adapt as you go.

Wisdom emerges when you get busy.

#6. Practice.

New behaviors feel like new shoes.

Help people test new behaviors in safe environments where results matter less and failure is a learning experience.

#7. Agree on timelines.

When will you step forward?

#8. Evaluate.

Establish a follow-up meeting to evaluate results.

#9. Learn and adapt.

  1. Explore what worked and what failed.
  2. Don’t pour more energy into strategies that didn’t work.
  3. Repeat behaviors that worked.
  4. Adapt behaviors that produced poor results.

#10. Celebrate.

There’s more energy in a pat on the back than a kick in the pants.

What principles help leaders coach their players to success?

What prevents leaders from successfully coaching their players?