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One Word Away From Transformation

Focus, clarity, courage, and momentum are as simple as One Word.

My word:

My word is extend.

A couple months ago I started asking myself, what if you’re not leading where you are twelve months from now? That’s when the word extend found me.

Extend the organization where I lead. Extend reach, influence, and life. Extend others.

Extend means work others in, work yourself out.

Doesn’t work:

The idea that today is my last day is more distracting than helpful. But, the idea that this is my last year gives me focus, clarity, momentum, and courage to extend.

The book:

Dan Britton and Jimmy Page have practiced and taught one word since 1999. They shared the idea with Jon Gordon a few years ago. Eventually they wrote, “One Word that will change your life,”

Find your word:

#1. Look in:

Find silence and ask three questions.

  1. What do I need?
  2. What’s in my way?
  3. What needs to go?

#2. Look up:

Ask God for your word and listen. Don’t stress about your word. Receive it.

#3. Look out:

Live your word everywhere you go. But, look out, because one word isn’t predictable. It surprises.

Jon Gordon explains how the Army Basket-ball team chose NAILS (1:51):

7 suggestions:

Suggestions from Jimmy, Dan, and Jon for maintaining focus on your word.

  1. Post your word in prominent places.
  2. Create a screensaver with your word.
  3. Take a picture of your word and save it on your smartphone.
  4. Keep a One Word journal.
  5. Look for sayings and quotes that relate to your word.
  6. Pick a song that reminds you of your word.
  7. Get a tattoo. They suggest a removable one.

How are you dealing with distractions?

How are you finding focus?

Bonus: Download your One Word ACTION PLAN.

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