Simple Strategies to Tap the Power of Letting Go

Letting go feels like losing control.

Let go to extend capacity, increase energy, and enhance fulfillment, for yourself and for others.

Letting go unlocks potential

It’s time to let go when:

  1. Fear of losing control keeps nagging.
  2. No one can do it as good as you and talent is under-utilized.
  3. Opportunities slip through your fingers.

Letting go isn’t:

  1. Giving up.
  2. Shirking responsibility.
  3. Passive acquiescence.

Letting go is process not conclusion:

Growth always includes letting go.

It’s difficult to let go, because we usually wait too long. Begin the process by asking new questions.

Stop asking: “What do I need to do?”


  1. Who can do what I’m doing – 80% as good as I’m doing it?
  2. Where am I slowing, rather than energizing, the process.
  3. What can I do that no one else can do?
  4. Who has capacity and desire to learn new roles?

Letting go is:

  1. Exploring exponential capacity. Don’t let go because you’re busy. Let go because you have new dreams.
  2. Daring to imagine yourself through new eyes.
  3. Replacing yourself so others can move forward.
  4. Allowing space for others to earn new roles, opportunities, and responsibilities.
  5. Sharing power. Two people cannot have equal power over the same thing.

Letting go is stepping toward vision-driven growth.

7 things that enable the process of letting go:

  1. Identify functional roles or responsibilities you are letting go.
  2. Define new roles and relationships.
  3. Make it a fluid process, especially at the beginning. Avoid boxes that limit possibilities.
  4. Explore how you will treat each other in the process of letting go and taking up.
  5. Set boundaries. If you are releasing financial decision-making, set guidelines and limits, for example.
  6. Evaluate as you go, not after.
  7. Set deadlines. You may tend to hang on too long.

Tip: Make goals visible. “I’m learning to let go of some functional roles so that our organization can grow.”

What’s important about learning to let go?

How might leaders learn to let go in appropriate ways?

Input on letting go from Facebook fans.