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5 Painful Leadership Blunders Successful Leaders Avoid

The sting of doing your best and falling short is a giant kick in the gut.

5 painful leadership blunders:

  1. Believe others perceive you the way you perceive yourself. Blind spots prolong frustration. Powerful influence requires strong connection.
  2. Forget how power causes others to adapt to you. You seldom hear the unvarnished truth.
  3. Win every discussion and control every decision. The more you control others the less energy they have. When you aggressively push back:
    1. Subordinates feel forced to either argue or back down. Many will back down.
    2. Observers learn to shut-down and clam-up.
    3. You feel powerful, but you weaken your team.
  4. Speak first. I can always spot the power person in a group. They tend to speak first and most frequently. Or, they give permission for others to speak.
  5. Too many options – too few decisions.

7 ways to rise above painful blunders:

  1. Seek feedback.
    1. What do you think I’m trying to accomplish? (Don’t tell, ask.)
    2. What am I doing that makes you think that?
    3. What am I doing that hinders my performance?
    4. Where am I most effective?
    5. How am I impacting others when I’m at my best? Worst?
  2. Find insightful, courageous people to speak into your life. Look inside and outside your organization.
  3. Interpret your impulse to seize control as a nudge toward giving it.
  4. Breathe deep and stay open when others push back.
  5. Invite others to talk, when tempted to control conversations.
  6. Use questions to create focus. Ask more. Tell less.
    1. How might we achieve a 3% increase in revenue?
    2. What could we do to attract top talent to our organization?
    3. What’s important right now?
    4. How does this help us move forward? In what way?
  7. Prioritize staff development. Stop complaining about the people around you. Develop them. If they resist development, remove them.

Bonus: Enhance energy by eliminating options.

What painful leadership blunders have you seen?

How might leaders deal with painful blunders?

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