7 Ways to Make Team Meetings Work Today

Team meetings that don’t work drain vitality. We’ve all been there. The leader is in love with their own voice, for example.

When everyone groans before team meetings, it’s time to:

  1. Restructure the way you do things.
  2. Refocus on purpose and mission. Why meet in the first place?
  3. Remove old members and/or add new. Eliminate deadwood. Add new life.
  4. Disband.

Successful team meetings clarify focus, energize members, and move the agenda forward.

Great teams rise to great challenges.png

7 ways to make team meetings work today:

  1. Celebrate what works, both in process and result.
    • How does the way we are working together work for you?
    • What behaviors are producing wins?
  2. Solve challenges. Meetings without challenges to solve are a waste of time. State challenges boldly and clearly. Great challenges galvanize teams against an “enemy.” But, don’t spend all your time defining challenges. Successful teams develop and execute imperfect solutions.
  3. Give authority. A collection of coffee sipping advisers isn’t a team. Successful teams:
    • Define challenges.
    • Seize opportunities.
    • Develop solutions.
    • Assign tasks.
    • Dedicate resources.
    • Create accountability.
    • Establish timelines.
    • Evaluate results.
  4. Understand strengths and weaknesses. Have everyone take the Clifton StrengthsFinder Assessment. Talk about the results until everyone knows the strengths of their teammates. I asked a coaching client how focusing on strengths was impacting his teams. He said, “Meetings are shorter because we understand each other.”
  5. Demand participation. No drifters allowed. If they aren’t contributing, they’re pulling down. Slackers sap enthusiasm. Fulfillment requires participation.
  6. Choose your decision-making method. Will you work toward consensus or will someone else make final decisions? Use consensus to strengthen buy-in. Choose a decision-maker when expertise or short time-lines are in play.
  7. Disband. Teams are often formed to address specific situations but live well beyond their usefulness. Every three months ask, “Is it time to disband or restructure?”

What makes teams work?