13 Cost-Free Ways to Ignite Energy

Disrespect feels like a pat on the head, followed by a closing door.

Disrespect encourages your inner accuser to whisper, “You don’t matter.”

dancing around people suggests others are weak and you are superior.png

Disrespect increases sick days, slow downs, and paybacks.

Nearly 80% of employees lower their commitment when they feel disrespected.*

Disrespect increases turnover.

Disrespect is:

  1. Neglect.
  2. Disregard.
  3. Diminishing another’s value – disdain.
  4. Power for insecure leaders.
  5. Twisting the knife.

Feeling disrespected:

  1. Increases tension.
  2. Aggravates conflict.
  3. Lowers engagement.
  4. Diminishes fulfillment.

One of the most powerful things leaders do is show respect.

13 ways to ignite energy by showing respect:

  1. Describe another person’s point of view and ask if you get it.
  2. Accept what’s important to others, even if it isn’t to you.
  3. Expect people to live up to their strengths and aspirations.
  4. Be candid with kindness and direct with openness. Dancing around people suggests others are weak and you are superior.
  5. Stop what you’re doing when someone enters your office.
  6. Explain impact and contribution. Let people know they matter.
  7. Say thank you, a lot.
  8. Invite and listen to another’s opinion.
  9. Use manners. Stand when people enter the room, for example.
  10. Honor behaviors. Don’t just say, good job. Explain what you see and why it’s important.
  11. Show approval in one area, even when people are imperfect in another.
  12. Acknowledge people in the room. Say their name or introduce them, for example.
  13. Define and honor respectful behaviors at work. You get what you honor. 

Respect from leaders fuels everyone’s engine.


  1. Levels the playing field.
  2. Enables boldness.
  3. Protects creativity.
  4. Invites connection.
  5. Makes bad situations better and finding solutions easier.

Respect paves the path to your preferred future. You might get there without respect, but it’s not worth it.

What makes you feel disrespected? Respected?

How might leaders show respect?

*The Price of Incivility, Harvard Business Review