3 Powerful Ways to Solve Lousy Leadership

The most dangerous quality of lousy leadership is the belief that they’re good leaders.

the best way to become a better leader is to help others become better leaders.png

Lousy leaders:

  1. Feel superior to the team.
  2. Work in isolation.
  3. Feel confused about values.
  4. Run around like a chicken with it’s head cut off.
  5. Never screw up.
  6. Neglect personal development.

3 powerful ways to solve lousy leadership:

#1. Make room for growth by believing you need to grow, even if you think you’ve arrived. You rose to leadership because of competence. Now you need to believe, or at least pretend you’re incompetent, at least a little.  

Practice humility, even if you don’t feel humble.

5 ways to grow by practicing humility:

  1. Spend a few days doing the real work in your organization.
  2. Share what you’re learning. Stop pretending you already knew what you learned.
  3. Say I could be wrong, even if you feel right.
  4. Admire the competence of others.
  5. Hang with people who are better than you, without trying to outdo them.

#2. Develop leaders. The best way to become a better leader is to help others become better leaders. (As long as you embrace #1. in this list.

You aren’t a leader if you spend most of your time dealing with things and theories.

  1. How are the people on your team better leaders because of you?
  2. What are you doing to personally, actively, and systematically develop leaders?
  3. Can you name three people you are systematically developing?

Leadership development is never an accident.

#3. Clarify the 7 essential functions of leadership. 

  1. Fight distraction by explaining what matters now.
  2. Inspire and fuel optimism. Remove the term motivation from your vocabulary.
  3. Give meaning to daily behaviors.
  4. Connect with people on a personal level.
  5. Live organizational values.
  6. Create alignment.
  7. Make people feel powerful.

What strategies help solve the problem of lousy leaders?

What functions would you add to the “7 essential functions of leadership?”