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The Real Truth About Dreams

It doesn’t matter how inspired you feel, if others don’t feel it. 

Martin Luther King Jr. inspired people, not because he had a dream, but because others felt the dream in themselves.

You feel it – they don’t:

Leaders feel dreams first.

Your response to people who don’t feel the dream defines your leadership.

  1. Arrogant leaders know what others should feel. Arrogance expresses itself in pressuring people. The results of pressuring are stress in leaders and resistance from others.
  2. Incompetent leaders, who feel the dream, find fault with those who don’t. Fault-finding seldom inspires.
  3. Wise leaders make space for others to see themselves in the dream. A dream isn’t a dream until you’re in it.

You feel a dream’s power when you see yourself in it.

Inviting people to dream is an invitation to feel something because they imagine themselves in new ways.

Everyone who dreams imagines who they could be.

4 ways to make space for others to feel dreams:

You expand another’s potential when you make space for them to dream.

  1. Be wrong once in awhile. Your need to be right sucks the oxygen out of dreams. The battle for who’s right ends with losers. Guess how much energy “losers” feel.
  2. Accept others for who they are. People with dreams don’t need to be changed by you. They change themselves.
  3. Reject illusions of grandeur. When you’re the biggest person in the room, there’s little room for others. It takes a long time and a lot of failure for the illusion of grandeur to evaporate from arrogant leaders. “Grand” leaders tend to devalue others.
  4. Understand the difference between dreams and execution. Others may know how to achieve your dream better than you. 

How might leaders stop sucking the energy out of others?

How might leaders tap the power of dreams?

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