We Have Met the Enemy

You come to a point when you realize you are at the center of your deepest frustrations. What you do then, determines your destiny.

Growth begins with the realization that you are the problem, not others.

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The toughest person to lead:

You have a real knack for seeing how others need to change.

Most leaders are too concerned about leading others. The toughest person to lead is you. Walt Kelly wisely wrote, “We have met the enemy and he is us.” Thankfully, you are also the ally.

10 ways to lead yourself:

  1. Talk about yourself to a wise trusted friend. What do you sound like? Are you courageous, frustrated, optimistic, weak, or strong? Would you follow you?
  2. Reflect on the last year. What have you done that makes  you proud? Give your noble-self permission to take action.
  3. Become a learn-it-all, not a know-it-all.
    • Skillful people who are closest to the work know how to do the work. Listen.
    • Awkward ideas may be right. Don’t reject them out of hand. You could be wrong.
    • Evaluate success as deeply as failure.
    • Ask, “What am I doing or not doing that is causing or allowing this?”
  4. Actively seek advice.
  5. Change your focus from holding others accountable to being held accountable.
  6. Maximize your personal rhythms. Are you a morning person? Do you need conversation to think, or quiet? How much sleep is enough?
  7. Evaluate your use of time. Keep a time journal for two weeks. Do what matters.
  8. Read, think, reflect, and try something new.
  9. Hold yourself to the same standard that you hold others.
  10. Lower protective barriers. Open up and acknowledge others.

Focus more on leading yourself than leading others.

Change the way you think about yourself. Your world stopped changing when you stopped growing. 

How might you practice self-leadership today?