You Work too Hard – Just Show Up

You’re working way too hard.

“80% of success is just showing up.” Woody Allen

Show up by wandering around.

80% of success is just showing up

4 reasons to wander around:

  1. You get smarter. The people around you know more than you in their area of work and expertise. You lead a dim team, if you’re brighter than everyone on it.
  2. Humility goes up when you connect.
  3. Efficiency, creativity, commitment, and satisfaction require feeling connected.
  4. Wander to monitor energy. Where is energy high or low?

7 rules for wandering around:

  1. Wander frequently. Wander around enough so that people aren’t worried when they see you coming.
  2. Don’t invite people to your office. Show up at theirs.
  3. Acknowledge people when wandering around. Disconnected bosses are too important and busy to smile and say hi.
  4. Be a learner. Ask people to show you how to do something.
  5. Learn and repeat names.
  6. Smile. Give visible expression to the respect you feel for the people on your team. Don’t allow problems to dominate your attitude.
  7. Prepare yourself. Take three minutes to clear your mind, lower protective walls, and open your heart.

Tip: If you can’t physically wander, pick up the phone or get on Skype.

7 suggestions for wandering themes:

Stay open when walking about, but try keeping a theme in mind.

  1. Gratitude and praise walks. Go around patting people on the back.
  2. Keep in touch walks. “What’s happening?”
  3. Accountability walks. “Where are we making progress?”
  4. Plans for the weekend walk?
  5. What’s working walks?
  6. What could be better walks?
  7. How can I help walks?

7 suggestions for wandering focus:

Greet everyone, but try centering your attention on certain groups when you wander around.

  1. Support staff.
  2. Customers.
  3. Supervisors.
  4. Front-line employee.
  5. New employees.
  6. Choose a division. Visit HR or Accounting.
  7. Contractors and vendors.

Culture building tip: Expect all managers to engage and report on wandering around.

How might leaders take wandering around to new heights?

Which of these ideas could you implement today?