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I invited several top leaders, authors, and bloggers to share their wisdom with Leadership Freak readers. Thanks to Douglas R. Conant for contributing this insightful post on bringing goals to life.

Many leaders understand the importance of designing a strategy and setting goals. But bringing those goals to life can be challenging.

To practice leadership that works — ask these 5 questions to ensure strong execution of key goals.

1. Are we starting with an abundance mentality?

When you take the word “or” out of your vocabulary, and embrace the word “and” instead, the possibilities become limitless.

2. Are we pursuing a worthy purpose?

When you understand the “why”, you’ll connect more deeply with the “what” that your goals require.

3. Are we dispelling ambiguity?

When you minimize confusion, you get the best results.

4. Are we rallying resources?

When you rally the right resources, you can ensure the right stuff gets done.

5. Are we “inspecting what we expect”?

When you shine a light on expectations, people rise to the challenge, and keep getting better.

In what other ways can leaders bring goals to life?

Join Doug for a transformational, 27 hour leadership adventure on October 14-15 in Philadelphia at the ConantLeadership Boot Camp.

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