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How to be the Inspirational Leader you Aspire to Become

Criticism and complaint seldom inspire people to take on new challenges.

4 essentials for inspirational leadership:


You must believe in people in order to inspire them.

Everyone who has achieved anything owes a debt to someone who believed in them. Perhaps it’s a coach, teacher, or parent. For Jack Welch, it was his mother and a leader who gave him a second chance after he blew up a factory.

One of the most neglected leadership questions is, “Who do you believe in?” 


You must accept people for who they are if you expect them to take on new challenges. The people who inspired you made you feel remarkable. People aren’t motivated when you let them know they aren’t good enough.

Accept people where they are before challenging them to go where they haven’t been.

Don’t complain about progress and expect to ignite energy. Don’t nag about weaknesses and expect people to feel strong.


The person who inspired you saw something good in you. Leaders fail when all they see is weakness in people. Inspirational leaders see untapped ability in others.

Leaders who inspire say:

  1. “You’re really good at…”
  2. “I think you would be really good at…”
  3. “What are you proud of?”


You can’t inspire the insecure.

Inspiration is directly tied to the amount of self-confidence you instill.

5 questions to build self-confidence in others:

  1. How might you help people try something new? Self-confidence grows as we try new things, not before.
  2. How might you walk-with, without being too helpful?
  3. What are you learning? Instill confidence by helping people reflect on their successes and failures.
  4. What one thing might you try? Limit the scope of effort to one area of growth.
  5. What would you like to learn before you move forward? Provide training.

What are inspirational leaders like? What do they do to inspire?

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