Skin Bags with No Heart

It’s hypocritical that we preach about purpose and authenticity and spend so much time worshipping ‘successful’ leaders.

Questions reveal priorities.

Most questions you hear focus on HOW to solve pressing concerns. How do I energize teams, delegate effectively, or lead successful meetings?

HOW questions are important, but shallow.

A team activity:

Begin your next meeting by asking, “What are we doing here?” It’s expected that you’ll hear responses based on current urgencies.

Provide an opportunity for deeper reflection.

Keep asking, “But what are we really doing here?” Allow for awkward silence. Some may get frustrated. Be patient.

You might get answers like, we’re growing our business or making a profit. These are all important. But keep asking.

Allow time for everyone to reconnect with MISSION – the deeper WHAT.

Leaders get lost in the weeds when all they think about is HOW TO do things. Feeling lost creates anxiety. Staying lost in the weeds drains hope.

An alternative team activity:

Ask your team three questions.

  1. “What brought you to this company?” Allow time for everyone to respond. Then ask question #2.
  2. “What’s important to you about that?”
  3. “Which of your strengths and talents are most relevant to the challenges and opportunities we currently face?

Energy in mission and purpose:

Provide people opportunity to reconnect with a clear WHAT (Mission) and a compelling WHY (Purpose).

Methods provide guidance. Mission provides energy.

Great methods apart from clear mission degrades people into tools.

HOW questions apart from WHAT and WHY questions invite us to become skin-bags without heart.

The pressure of HOW to get things done makes you forget the deeper MISSION. It’s a gift when you provide time for teams to think beyond the next activity.

Apart from a clear MISSION and PURPOSE a beautiful HOW sucks the life out of you.

How might leaders practice authentic leadership?

How might leaders provide opportunity for teams to reconnect with a clear WHAT and a compelling WHY?