How to Make Meaningful Change

It takes no courage to stand aloof and complain.

Do you wish to lead? Change something.

#1. Accept the messy.

Acceptance isn’t approval.

“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.” Nathaniel Branden

Real leaders deal with imperfect environments and messy people to produce meaningful change.

Anyone who waits for the perfect environment misses opportunities to create meaningful change. All organizations need to improve. Environments always fall below ideal.

Change is less relevant in organizations that have it all together. The way to achieve meaningful success is to make a mess better.

Frustration is healthy only when it moves you to make things better.

Anyone who uses an imperfect boss, team, or organization as an excuse to sit on the sidelines squanders talent.

The messier your team – the greater your opportunity for meaningful change.

Look for a mess if you aspire to produce meaningful change.

#2. Show up to care.

Your mind rushes to systems, processes, programs, and results. Change-makers pull back and consider the struggles and challenges of people.

Focus on people because people deliver results.

Develop people who deliver results.

When you lay awake at night, think first about the problems OTHERS face. Great leaders give themselves to people, not systems and programs.

5 questions for caring leaders:

  1. What issues are others grappling with today?
  2. What nagging frustrations drag team members down?
  3. What unmet aspirations ignite an employees energy?
  4. How could you fuel progress?
  5. What barriers to success might you remove?

Tough issues:

Care enough to discuss tough issues, even if it hurts. Reluctance to deal with difficult topics reflects your need to be liked.

Self-protection hides from challenging issues.

Caring leaders turn outward. You naturally view the world as if you’re the center. Real leaders learn to put others at the center.

How might leaders make meaningful change?