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5 Blind-spots that Sink Your Boat Pt. 2

A leader with blind-spots will one day realize that he/she is the reason for the holes in the boat.

Everyone spends too much time bailing water when leaders have blind-spots.

Work is harder, relationships are strained, and remarkable success is unlikely for leaders with nagging blind-spots.

The trouble with blind-spots is others see them, but you don’t.

5 blind-spots that sink your boat:

Blind-spot #1: Purpose (more here.)

Blind-spot #2: Story (more here.)

Blind-spot #3: Engagement

You have holes in your boat if you think fact filled presentations engage hearts and minds. Realize that nodding heads and glazed eyes indicate disengagement.

The question: How do you move from presentations to conversations?

Talk with people if you expect them to be engaged.

Blind-spot #4: Trust

You have holes in your boat if you believe people won’t do the right thing unless you tell them exactly what to do and then hold their feet to the fire.

If you expect consistent AND personalized customer service, people need freedom to both create and deliver it.

The question: How can we trust and scale freedom while at the same time holding high standards?

Blind-spot #5: Truth

You have holes in your boat if you believe your people feel safe telling you what they really think and feel.

Every leader who needs to be smarter than others, territorial, and put on a tough exterior creates lack of trust.

The question: What can leaders do to create safe environments where people speak and act on the truth?

What other blind-spots come to mind?

How might leaders shine a light on blind-spots?

**This post is adapted from, “What are Your Blind Spots: Conquering the 5 Misconceptions that Hold Leaders Back,” by Jim Haudan and Rich Berens.

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