4 Ways to Be a Happy Leader

“You don’t become happy by pursuing happiness. You become happy by living a life that means something.” Harold S. Kushner

Happiness is a by-product.

Happy Leadership:

#1. Elevate relationship-building.

Place relationship-building on par with delivering results.

If you want to increase your widget production by 3%:

  1. Develop competencies.
  2. Improve processes.
  3. Confront inconsistencies.
  4. Practice accountability.
  5. Invite feedback.

AND … strengthen relationships.

  1. Act respectfully.
  2. Practice candor with kindness.
  3. Show interest in people.
  4. Get dirty in the trench.
  5. Intentionally think about the qualities you admire in others. (Smile)

The neglect of relationship-building ultimately hinders productivity. Read, The Speed of Trust, by Stephen Covey. (Yes, there’s more to delivering results than sitting around getting to know each other.)

It’s not results OR relationships. It’s results THROUGH relationships.

#2. Elevate gratitude.

Write down three new things you’re grateful for everyday for three weeks. (See Shawn Achor)

#3. Elevate the value of others.

If you want to live a meaningful life today make others more important than yourself.

During team meetings and individual conversations, whisper this mantra to yourself, “You are more important than me.”

Servant leadership is serving others. It’s difficult to be a servant when you view yourself as better than others.

Making others more important than yourself doesn’t mean you should sacrifice the best interest of your team or organization. Just the opposite.

Sometimes the best way to serve another is to manage them out.

#4. Elevate team success over personal success.

One practical way to live for something bigger than yourself is by putting the best interests of your team ahead of personal interests. (If you can’t do this, find a team where you can.)

The only way servant leaders succeed is by helping others succeed.

Leaders succeed when their team succeeds.

What suggestions do you have for happy leadership?