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7 Powerful Ways to Elevate Leadership with Gratitude

You see what you look for and defend what you see.

  1. If you assume the worst, you find fault.
  2. If you look for problems, you find obstacles.
  3. If you look for progress, you find gratitude.

5 ways to be stingy with gratitude:

  1. Don’t express gratitude because you anticipate future failure. People failed in the past. They will undoubtedly fail in the future. So don’t say, “Thank you.”
  2. Don’t be grateful for people who aren’t as “great” as you.
  3. Don’t express gratitude because employees are only doing what they’re paid to do.
  4. Don’t say, “Thank you.” It just takes too long. You don’t have time.
  5. Don’t express gratitude unless results are perfect. You can’t express gratitude for imperfection.

7 ways to elevate leadership with gratitude:

“Un” ruins you. UN-grateful leaders become unkind, unhelpful, un-hopeful, and unconnected.

Ungratefulness says performance and effort don’t matter.

7 gratitude tips:

  1. Put a gratitude list on your desk or bulletin board. Add one new item a day for a month.
  2. Say, “Thank you,” for small things.
  3. Write a thank you email.
  4. Take a gratitude walk-about. Put it on your calendar. Wednesday at 3:30 p.m.
  5. Before the meeting, write one thing you appreciate about each person who will attend.
  6. Before composing an email, think of one thing you appreciate about the recipient.
  7. Don’t say, “But,” after expressing gratitude.

Bonus: Name a person at the table and ask others to complete the sentence, “I’m thankful for Wilma because … .”

The Boston Consulting Group reports that the number one factor in employee happiness is appreciation for their work.

Unexpressed gratitude is ungratefulness. But expressing gratitude elevates everyone, including you.

Which gratitude tip could you put into practice?

What prevents leaders from expressing gratitude?

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