One Thing You Must Stop Doing

Yesterday would have been better if you spent more time giving power and less time creating dependency.

Misguided leaders create dependency.

every time you rush to save the day you teach people to wait for you to save the day

5 signs you’re creating dependency:

#1. Permission-asking is a national past-time in your organization.

The empowering question is, “What do you intend to do?”

#2. Quick intervention is expected.

Make space for people to work through their own challenges and problems. Stay available but keep your hands in your pockets.

Every time you rush in to save the day, you teach people to wait for you to save the day.

#3. Nothing important happens when you’re gone.

Leaders create dependency when everything stops unless they start it.

#4. You answered emails on vacation.

#5. You’re bitter because people don’t appreciate all you do for them.

7 practices that empower:

  1. Use many conversations to clarify expectations. Distill expectations into simple daily behaviors.
  2. Meet aspiration in others with training and coaching.
  3. Provide systematic feedback.
  4. Express gratitude for achievement and effort.
  5. Challenge people to stretch themselves.
  6. Consider responsible failure a learning opportunity. Every time you punish responsible failure, you teach people to play it safe.
  7. Schedule regular check-ins where you spend most of your time listening and exploring.

Servant-leaders enable others to act.

How might leaders stop creating dependency?

How might leaders enable others to act?

Which practice that empowers is most relevant for you at this time?

*”Enable others to act,” is an important phrase in, “The Leadership Challenge.”

** The idea of asking people to declare their intentions comes from, “Turn the Ship Around.”

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