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Engagement Still Matters

New Book Giveaway!!

20 free copies!!

Leave a comment on this guest post by Mark Miller to become eligible to win one of twenty complimentary copies of, Win the Heart: How to Create a Culture of Full Engagement.” (Deadline is 3/11/2019)

(International winners will receive electronic versions.)

Shifting focus:

Have you ever noticed how focus shifts in leadership circles? For a while, everyone was talking quality. Then the chatter focused on mission, vision, and values. Teams enjoyed the spotlight for a decade or more, too. For a moment on the historical leadership timeline, the world considered engagement… and then, we were off to something else.

What makes engagement different from other examples is the fact that most well-run organizations now consider quality management, vision, and teams part of their DNA. Not so with engagement – it remains in the “too hard pile” for most leaders, and therein lies the opportunity!


Engagement is still out there; untold amounts of discretionary effort, passion, and creativity – largely untapped. It lies just below the surface in the heads, hearts, and hands of your workforce, just waiting to be liberated. Still unconvinced? Keep reading…

People deserve to work in a place that utilizes their full potential. Leaders have the opportunity to serve those entrusted to our care. We can help people live at an entirely different level, beginning when we create the conditions in which they willingly bring their whole self to work.

You will never realize your full potential as a leader until you help people contribute at their full potential. How good are you as a leader? How good do you want to be? If you engage people – helping them care deeply about their work, co-workers, and the organization – you differentiate yourself as a leader.

The return on engagement is staggering! Sales, profits, customer satisfaction, and virtually every key metric is impacted by how much your people care. When you raise their level of engagement, you’ve crossed a significant barrier to superior performance.

Win hearts and everyone wins!

How might leaders win hearts?

Mark Miller is a business leader, author, and communicator. He has served in numerous leadership roles over 40 years with Chick-fil-A, Inc. Mark’s new book, Win the Heart, will be published in March. He now has over one million books in print in 25+ languages. Learn more at



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