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Questions that Fuel Energy when Your Tank is Low

Two people face the same challenge. One rises and thrives. One stumbles and flounders. The difference is motivational energy.

You are responsible to manage your energy.

Don’t surrender to a lousy boss, boring task, or turbulent environment.

The three buckets of motivational energy are choice, connection, and competence. (Master Your Motivation) Look in these buckets when energy fades.

Energy sinks when you:

  1. Feel like a puppet.
  2. Engage in tasks that seem trivial or meaningless.
  3. Aren’t learning or developing skills.

Click HERE to see my interview with Susan Fowler! (4:29)

Energy rises when you:

  1. Make choices.
  2. See meaning even in the mundane.
  3. Develop useful skills.

The most powerful questions are the questions you speak to yourself.

Energy in choice:

Choice is the perception that we are the ones directing our behavior …” (Master your Motivation)

  1. What choices do I have?
  2. What choices have I made?
  3. Which choices am I glad I made?
  4. What choices would I like to do over?
  5. What choices do I have going forward?

“… sometimes recognizing that we have choice is enough to make the right choice.” Susan Fowler

Energy in connection:

Connection includes the belief that, “… our goals … are aligned to meaningful values and a sense of purpose.” Susan Fowler

  1. What do I find that’s meaningful in this experience?
  2. What is it that is going to help me contribute to others?
  3. How does this goal align with my values and purpose?

Energy in competence:

“Competence is the ability to see progress and demonstrate skill over time.” Susan Fowler

  1. What am I learning?
  2. What could I learn?
  3. What skills do I have?
  4. What skills could I develop?
  5. What am I learning that helps me serve others?

“Of all the things that can boost inner work life, the most important is making progress in meaningful work.” Amabile and Kramer (HBR)

How might leaders manage their own motivational energy?

How Susan Fowler helps her husband find optimal motivation. (YouTube)

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