How to Have Grit When You Want to Quit

Grit matters when quitting is easier than pressing forward.

Perseverance isn’t grit until you want to quit. But what keeps you going when the path is steep?


Grit isn’t grit until quitting is easier than pressing forward. In other words, grit comes into play AFTER you feel like quitting, not before.

Grit isn’t exemption from the desire to quit.

Grit doesn’t make difficulty easy.


Grit is more valuable than talent or intelligence.

Who do you want on your team, an average person with grit or top talent that quits? Average talent with grit is better than top talent that gives up easily.

We all know smart failures and talented under-performers. But grit makes average Joe exceptional.

(Assess your grit with this 10 question assessment.)

Finding grit:

#1. Grit is about others.

Grit comes FROM those around us.

Don’t expect others to step up for you, if you step down when things get tough.

My dad was the grittiest person I have ever known. Thankfully, there’s a little of him in me. When the soldiers beside you face adversity with grit, you find grit in yourself.

Grit comes from serving those you love.

You might not feel like going to work this morning, but you do it for your family.

Grit comes from the desire for respect and admiration.

The fear of disrespect keeps you going. What will your team think of you if you quit?

#2. Grit comes from joy.

Joy pulls you forward.

Forget about being present when you want to quit. Look toward future benefit instead.

Joy is about love.

Focus on the thing you love more than the thing you want to avoid.

You might not enjoy paperwork, but if it enables you to serve patients, then get it done.

Joy moves you from average to exceptional.

What keeps you going when quitting is easier than pressing forward?

How might leaders build gritty teams?

Bonus material:

Grit, Angel Duckworth (Book)

The Editor of Forbes on Grit (Leadership Freak)

4 Signs you have Grit (Time)