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The Leader who Smells Dead Mice

I smell dead mice everywhere. It all started with a dead mouse in the wall.

I thought I smelled a dead mouse in the grocery store. I bought a hot dog for lunch and caught a whiff of dead mouse. I’m not sure, but a mouse might have died in my pickup truck.


Worry and stink:

I worry about smelling dead mice and that makes me think I smell dead mice.

Worry looks for stink and finds it, even when the world smells good.

My friends have dead mice in their wall cavities, too. Or at least I think I smelled something bad.

One thing is everything:

When you smell something that you don’t like, you start sniffing for it. “What’s that smell?”

Unresolved frustration, problems, and disappointment are like stink in your mustache. Everywhere you go, stink follows.

Stink truths:

#1. Worry excites your stink-sniffer.

You don’t want to miss problems, so you put your sniffer to the ground.

You eventually find stink when you sniff for it.

#2. When a stink gets in your snout, everything stinks.

#3. Stink returns.

Your snout justifies itself, “I knew there was a problem!”

If it doesn’t stink now, it will!

#4. You stink.

YOU stink, if you’re always sniffing FOR stink.

No one likes it when you show up with your stink-sniffing snout. Go away!

#5. Sniffing sets a tone.

You smell this afternoon what you smelled this morning.

The more you think about stink, the more you smell it.

Lousy leaders ignore pleasant fragrance and constantly sniff for stink.

Stink face:

Stink transforms.

Your face contorts into a rotten pumpkin when you smell stink. Is that how you want to show up for others, with a rotten pumpkin face?

How much stink-sniffing is useful for leaders?

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