Help, I’m Always Thinking About Work

I’m asking myself, “Who are you if you aren’t working?”

Work brings value and meaning to life. But what if there’s more?

I’m mildly workaholic according to an assessment on CNN.

The assessment has three categories:

  1. Highly workaholic.
  2. Mildly workaholic.
  3. Not a workaholic.

Frankly, if I can’t be HIGHLY workaholic, I’m disappointed. Be the best at everything or don’t do it.  That’s why – if I can’t win – I don’t play.

Workaholics burnout, struggle with relationships, and neglect loved ones.


When I’m not working, I’m preparing to work.

Schedule fun. Last year my wife and I were intentional about fun. It was new for us. We went to concerts and shows.

Schedule fun or fun won’t get done. Planning fun is captivating.

Anticipating fun is often the funnest part of fun.

If you’re always thinking about work:

#1. Respect relationships.

  • Practice being with people when you’re with people. Don’t answer your phone when you’re with family or friends.
  • Express interest in people AS people.
  • Build a few honest relationships.

#2. Cultivate spiritual health.

  • I’m a Christian. Faith helps, but some forms of Christianity feed a performance mentality.
  • Choose what you want life to be about.
  • Focus your attention and energy on things that matter most.

#3. Protect physical health.

You might be a workaholic if all you think about is work while you workout.

Humble yourself:

The world will go on when you’re gone. Someone else will do the work you’re doing.

When you imagine the world without you, it confronts self-absorption and self-importance.

It’s been a rough few weeks for many of you. Maybe it’s time for permission to stop working for a few hours.

Do something, other than work, that helps you forget work.

What helps you forget work?

Bonus material:

7 Ways to Cure Your Workaholism (Huffington)

You Don’t Have to Work Long Hours to Be a Workaholic (Fast Company)