7 Ways to Fuel Energy During a Pandemic

The good ole days seem sweeter during a pandemic. In the afternoons, I put in earphones and listen to James Taylor, Neil Young, Eric Clapton, the Beatles, and others.

Familiarity during disruption fuels energy and calms turbulence.

7 ways to fuel energy during a pandemic:

#1. Leverage the power of conversation.

Provide time for casual banter before and/or after meetings.

All-business drains energy. Moments of connection re-energize.

#2. Express appreciation frequently.

Normal courtesies mean more during disruption.

  1. Say thank you for things people are paid to do.
  2. Express the kind side of your heart.
  3. Remember everyone feels burdens.

#3. Reconnect with the old days.

I’ve never been a fan of nostalgia. Frankly, it offended me. I don’t want to re-build the past. I want to create the future.

The past is gone for good. The good ole days weren’t heaven and the present isn’t hell. But pandemics make nostalgia attractive.

  1. Play some oldies through your earphones.
  2. Watch a few episodes of Bewitched or DuckTales. (You gotta click the Bewitched link and watch the first couple of minutes!)
  3. Dig out some family albums or videos.

#4. Establish morning rituals.

#5. Get up and move.

If sitting is the new smoking, some are up to three-packs a day.

I have a friend who walks a mile at 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

#6. Schedule something you can anticipate.

Scheduled fun is more fun than spontaneous fun.

Anticipating fun is often more enjoyable than having fun.

#7. Ask yourself some energy-making questions.

What gives you energy during a Pandemic?