How to Find Freedom and Energy by Starting Again

The struggle to keep your head above water provides little opportunity to reflect, adapt, and start again.

Stress and frustration accumulate when you splash around today the same way you splashed yesterday.

Recurring struggle feels like constant undertow.

Find freedom and energy by starting again. But how to break the cycle of escalating frustration and stress?

Every year you have 365 opportunities to start again.

Freedom by starting again:

Every year you have 365 opportunities to start again.

Every morning you have a new opportunity to…

#1. Set tone.

How do you want people to feel when they step into your environment? What will you do to move toward that environment?

#2. Reject failed strategies.

What didn’t work? What do you want to stop doing?

#3. Create new rhythm.

Establish a two-question end-of-day debrief with your team. What worked? What would you like to do differently tomorrow?

#4. Release offenses.

Forgiveness frees you.

#5. Embrace power.

Stop saying, “I can’t change anything.” Start asking, “What small change might I make today?”

Choose an imperfect path forward. Stop waiting for perfect solutions.

#6. Choose how you show up.

Today is your day to…

  1. Ask two questions before making one statement.
  2. Replace all complaints with expressions of gratitude for one hour.
  3. Notice what people are good at.

Create your own way to show up or choose from the list above.

#7. Choose responses to responsible failure.

The only way to avoid mistakes is to avoid doing anything.

Most people don’t intentionally screw up. Intentional screw ups earn correction and eventually termination.

5 types of responsible failure:

  1. Lack of training mistakes.
  2. Stress mistakes. Stress makes you stupid.
  3. Inexperience mistakes.
  4. Trying to help but causing harm mistakes.
  5. Misinformed mistakes. You heard the wrong thing.

Responding to responsible failure:

  1. What might you do the next time you’re uncertain about the best step forward?
  2. What are you learning?
  3. What will you do differently next time?

What prevents leaders from viewing a new day as an opportunity to start again?

What’s one simple way you might start again today?