The 12 Scariest Bosses Anyone Could Have

Research shows that managers account for at least 70% of variance in employee engagement scores.

Scary boss

When your boss's boos justifies scary behavior, the situation will continue.

The 12 scariest bosses:

  1. Ghost boss – only shows up when things go wrong.
  2. Wart boss – loves to point out what’s wrong. (Cousin to the ‘witch on a broom boss’ who flies around complaining.)
  3. Screaming boss – loses emotional control and gets over it quickly. Volatile bosses create eggshell environments.
  4. Hide in the shadows boss – lets others handle tough issues.
  5. Boney finger boss – puts you on the spot in front of others.
  6. One eyed boss – only sees things from one viewpoint.
  7. Blind boss – hopes tough issues will vanish on their own.
  8. Blind boss #2 – has no idea about your talent, strengths, and passions.
  9. Zombie boss – craves results but never talks. Related to the ‘vampire boss’.
  10. Scary mask boss – tells you one thing and tells something else to others.
  11. Princess boss – does everything well. Bosses that don’t have weaknesses are scary idiots who believe they know more than everyone else.
  12. Long-nose boss – looks down on your talent and minimizes your effort.

5 tips for dealing with scary bosses:

#1. Never let a scary boss be justification for self-sabotage.

A lazy boss is your opportunity to learn new skills, make unique contribution, and improve your resume’.

Don’t shoot yourself in the foot to punish a lousy boss.

#2. Don’t complain.

Your boss’s boss already knows you have a scary boss and has chosen to tolerate it.

What response do you receive when you bring up concerns?

When your boss’s boss justifies scary behavior, the situation will continue.

#3. Thrive in adversity.

Look for new employment but thrive until you find something better.

#4. Accept it.

If you plan to stay, accept the situation unless it’s unethical or illegal.

#5. Develop.

What type of boss do you wish you had? Become that person.

What scary bosses have you seen?

What suggestions do you have for navigating scary bosses?

Bonus material:

10 Signs You’ve Got a Really Scary Boss (Inc)

How to Deal with a Bad Boss According to a Career Coach (NBC news)