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Visiting a Friend for the Last Time

Note: Cy passed away May 19, 2021.

We’re on our way to visit a friend for the last time. He’s dying. But he’s in surprisingly good health, except that Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is taking his life. Scarring in his lungs is slowly eliminating his ability to absorb oxygen.

It’s unpredictable but he’s been going down fast over the last few weeks.

The things that matter more than experience and circumstance are the people who go through them with you. That’s why we’re on our way to visit Cy. He’s one of those friends who lashes himself to the mast and endures the storm.

Many jump ship in turbulence. But a few stay. Cy did that for me.

He stood with me. I want to spend an afternoon standing with him. So after receiving a note from his wife, we’re making an unplanned trip to Maine.

Everyone needs a with.

You might get weary of standing with people who might not return your faithfulness. Don’t allow cynicism to contaminate faithfulness. Stand with people even if many in the past have jumped ship.

Some of your proudest moments will be standing with someone when it would have been easier to navigate for smoother seas.

When you look back on your life, who stood with you?

When you look around today, how will you stand with people?

NOTE: Cy passed away on May 18, 2021.

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