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Aptronyms: What if Your Name Suited You

Pecksniff and Scrooge are aptronyms.*

Mr. Seth Pecksniff is a main character in “Martin Chuzzelwit,” a Charles Dicken’s novel. Pecksniff is a sanctimonious hypocrite you love to hate. Scrooge, the miser in “A Christmas Carol,” is such an appropriate name it needs no explanation.

What if your name suited you?

Aptronyms in literature:

  1. Luna Lovegood – J.K. Rowling. Luna has a kind and loving nature.
  2. Severus Snape – J.K. Rowling. Severus is stern.
  3. Sandor Clegane (The Hound) – George R.R. Martin uses nicknames. The Hound is loyal and tenacious.

Real life aptronyms:

  1. Usain Bolt holds the world record for the 100 and 200 meters.
  2. Tiger Woods uses golf clubs that are called woods.
  3. Dr. Richard Chopp is a urologist in Austin Texas. I wonder if he does vasectomies.

If your boss’s name was an aptronym:

  1. Glenda Goodheart cares for people.
  2. Randy Rallymore knows how to fire up the team.
  3. Nancy Nit loves nitpicking.
  4. Gordon Grumbleking hasn’t heard a good idea since Ronald Regan was president.

If your name was an aptronym:

My real-life aptronym is Glumdan on some days. I’d love my aptronym to be Sammy Springbreeze.

What aspirational aptronym would you love to have?

What aptronym would you give your boss?

*Definition source: Aptronym – Wikipedia

Breaking the Glum-Leader Syndrome – Leadership Freak

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