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How Gratitude Shapes Identity

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others.” Cicero

An ungrateful leader is a staggering contradiction in terms.

Ingrates are unworthy of leadership.

Ingratitude shapes identity:

It’s difficult to imagine a virtuous ingrate.

Ingrates tend toward isolation, anger, and resentment. Relationships with ingrates are strained because a relationship with someone who doesn’t appreciate you is difficult to sustain.

No one aspires to be an ingrate.

No one admires an ingrate.

Can you imagine a happy ingrate?

Gratitude shapes identity:

One of our neighbors is renovating a house up the road. I stopped by to chat and asked if he might have a few empty spackle buckets. He said, “No, but I have three buckets you can have.”

He explained that he buys buckets from a laundromat for two dollars each. I reached for my wallet and said, “I’m not going to take your buckets, but I’ll pay for them.” We had a short discussion that ended with, “I’m not going to take your buckets.”

I enjoy being the giver and resist being the receiver. When you resist gifts, gratitude shrivels because gratefulness begins with receiving.

Our neighbor grabbed the buckets as I left and put them in the back of my truck. Now I have the three humbling-buckets in my garage.

Where pride feels resistance, humility feels thankful.

I plan to return the favor, but if I thought he gave me the buckets to create obligation, I would feel manipulated.

Gratitude humbles because you become a recipient of benefit.

Lack of thankfulness signals naïve self-sufficiency. If you question the power of gratitude to shape identity reflect on the shaping power of ingratitude.

Gratitude expands your soul and enriches those around you.

The ability to receive is essential to successful leadership.

Project: Practice being a grateful recipient today.

How does gratitude/ingratitude shape identity?

Still curious:

The Secret to Magnificent Success

The Simple Shift that Supercharges the Power of Gratitude

Author’s note: I learned how gratitude shapes identity from Robert Emmons, a world recognized gratitude researcher.

Humility and self-reflection strengthen leaders for the battle. Click here to check out, The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership. It’s a wonderful tool for leaders facing challenges.

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