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16 Ways to Give Constructive Feedback Like a Human

Constructive feedback is a gift few leaders enjoy giving. Done carelessly it quenches enthusiasm.

Before feedback people struggle. After constructive feedback people feel confident.

Successful feedback sharpens someone’s axe.

16 ways to give constructive feedback:

  1. Build trusting relationships. Don’t show up to hammer people and saunter back to your easy chair like you’ve done something spectacular. Do people believe you care about them?
  2. Speak to career goals. When you don’t know their goals, the first step is to learn them.
  3. Always seek to advantage others. There is no exception to this rule.
  4. Use the lens of career goals when explaining negative behaviors. “Interrupting people in meetings doesn’t improve your communication skills.”
  5. Encourage more than correct.
  6. Build on strengths.
  7. Focus on one concern. Old habits are like gum on your shoe. We change slowly.
  8. Express issues in one or two sentences. The more you talk the worse it is. “I notice (fill in the blank with specific behaviors.)
  9. Give examples. “When you….”
  10. Relax. You’re here to help.
  11. Speak directly and with kindness.
  12. Provide adequate time and privacy.
  13. Avoid but. “You’re doing a great job, BUT…” Don’t dilute affirmation with correction.
  14. Don’t interpret intentions or motivations. Ask about them. “What are you trying to accomplish when you…?”
  15. Collaborate on solutions and develop a path forward. Spend more time talking about solutions than problems.
  16. Follow-up with progress reports.

4 tips:

Optimism is essential when giving constructive feedback.

Avoid giving feedback until you believe growth is possible.

If growth isn’t possible, redesign their job or manage them out.

Sit on the same side of the table, when possible.

What have you learned about giving constructive feedback?

What do leaders do wrong when giving feedback?

Still curious:

Feedback: Solving the Most Common Failure in Leadership

3 Ways to Give Feedback that Works

Humility and self-reflection strengthen leaders for the battle. Click here to check out, The Vagrant: The Inner Journey of Leadership. It’s a wonderful tool for leaders facing challenges.

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