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Painful Experiences: 5 Ways to Gain Advantage

Find strength through painful experiences.

Ease brings weakness.

10 advantages of painful experiences:

  1. Clarity that comes from seeing darkness.
  2. Strength by pushing through pain.
  3. Authenticity through self-discovery.
  4. Empathy for others through personal struggle.
  5. Perspective by embracing frailty.
  6. Flexibility through learning to adapt.
  7. Humility that comes from seeking help.
  8. Emotional strength that results from bouncing back.
  9. Presence that comes through noticing daily life.
  10. Gratitude that comes from learning to savor small moments of joy.

 3 growth blockers:

Catastrophizing: people who magnify negativity and imagine worst possible consequences collapse under the weight of negative imagination.

Ruminating: people who dwell on painful thoughts, memories, and experiences. Constantly beating yourself down blocks growth.

Avoidance of discomfort: People who always choose ease over challenge grow weak.

5 ways to gain advantage through painful experiences:

#1. Eliminate catastrophizing. Notice when you are leaping to the worst possible conclusion. Noticing is freeing.

#2. Practice structured reflection. Read: Eye-opening Self-Reflection Questions for Leaders. (Our book, The Vagrant, is the story of a leader who learned to see himself differently.)

#3. Learn, don’t judge. Ask, “What can I learn from this painful experience?”

#4. Seek support before you need it. If you can reach your goal on your own, you need a higher goal. Read: 4 Ways to Seek Help Before You Need It

#5. Search for the silver lining. Ask, “How can I use this experience as a stepping stone instead of a setback?”

Bonus: Focus on things you have power over. Make a list of things you can control and carry it in your pocket.

Leadership Tip:

Hire people who have done hard things. Even better, hire people who enjoy challenge. Low headcount with tough minded people is better than high headcount with quitters.

What can you add to the list of ways to gain advantage through painful experiences?

What are some ways to show compassion for people who are in painful experiences?

Still curious:

Growth Hurts: Create Positive Discomfort

How Painful Experiences Changed the Trajectory of a Fortune 300 CEO

The utilization of adventure based programming to foster posttraumatic growth within a veteran population: A mixed methods study

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