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7 Questions to Declutter Your Day

The unexamined life collapses into trivialities.

Declutter your day before distraction defines you.

Every sunrise is your opportunity to declutter and begin again.

7 questions to declutter your day:

  1. What matters most today?

    Record one meaningful thing you will do today – beyond pressing issues and deadlines.

  2. What will you not do today so you can do what matters most?

    Look for something ‘less good’ to take out of your basket. You are busy doing ‘good’ things. When a good thing blocks what matters most, it’s a bad thing.

  3. What could you do today that gives you a sense of personal satisfaction?

    Imagine saying, “I feel really good that I did ___________ today.” Go do that.

  4. How will you energize others?

    Low energy people drain your vitality. Don’t do their work. Energize them to do their own.

  5. How are you sabotaging your fulfillment, progress, or success?

    Reflect on destructive attitudes that might pop your balloon. The way you see life determines the way you feel about life.

  6. What behaviors reflect the life you admire?

    Do things you admire. Think about a person you admire. Don’t think about what they have. Think about what they did. What’s one thing you can do today that bolsters your self-respect?

  7. How will you start fresh with people and projects?

    People fail until they begin again.

    Clear endings enable new beginnings. Work on a project until you reach a good stopping point. Set it aside. Take a quick walk. Get coffee. Do something that signals an ending. Now go begin the next thing.

Tip: Several of the above questions stand alone. Questions one and two go hand in hand. Question three, for example, can stand on its own.

Which of the above question(s) will help you declutter your day today?

What suggestions do you have for eliminating clutter in your day?

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