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In praise of development

You’ve read books, attended seminars, webinars, or classes, and met people who change you. Today, I’m interested in books that changed you, that developed you as a leader.

Four books that are developing me.

#1 The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner

The five practices of exemplary leadership gave me a foundation and framework for leading. I use them every day. They are:

**Model the Way

**Inspire a Shared Vision

**Challenge the Process

**Enable Others to Act

**Encourage the Heart

I still find “inspire a shared vision” the most challenging of the five.

#2. Tribes by Seth Godin

Seth opened my eyes to the potential of making connections and finding a tribe. Leadership Freak is one result of reading his book.

#3. The Leadership Code the Five Rules to Lead By by Ulirich, Smallwood, and Sweetman

The five rules are:

**Shape the future

**Make things happen

**Engage today’s talent

**Build the next generation

**Invest in yourself

“Invest in yourself,” changed me. It’s not likely anyone else will be as committed to your own leadership development as you are. You may have to say, “I don’t care that you don’t care, I’m developing my potential.” If you don’t invest in yourself, you have already reached your potential.

#4. Awesomely Simple by John Spence

Surprisingly, one of the things that changed me most appears early in the book, in the introduction. On pages 4 & 5 John lists four thing to become an expert.




**Pattern Recognition

The last one, “pattern recognition,” opened a new world to me.


I’m looking forward to seeing the books that changed you. Take a moment and share the books that helped develop you? Don’t forget to tell us how they changed you.


LF note: Thanks to everyone who is sharing Leadership Freak with others. Yesterday was a record day for Leadership Freak!

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