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12 Strategies for Dealing with Worry

Leaders who use worry as the reason to do nothing are losers. But, successful leaders worry.

I’ve come to appreciate and respect the worries of my team.

Trust worried leaders; doubt the rest.

Lack of worry results in over-confidence.

Confidence doesn’t eliminate worry, it answers it.

Leaders who don’t worry:

  1. Need a firmer grasp on reality.
  2. Ignore opposition.
  3. Dream too much.
  4. Haven’t failed enough.
  5. Blame others for failures.

Plan for things to go wrong. They will.

12 strategies for dealing with worry:

  1. Explore don’t ignore.
  2. Create contingency plans. Planning answers worry.
  3. Rank your worries on a scale of 1 -10. Prepare for the big ones. Preparation answers worry.
  4. Pray.
  5. Determine who is trustworthy. How has the team performed in the past? Trust answers worry.
  6. Establish accountability. Who’s responsible for what? Ambiguity is legitimate reason for worry. Things don’t work out on their own.
  7. Ask for progress reports.
  8. Welcome the worries of your team. Don’t fight them. “I see what you mean,” is better than, “That’s not going to happen.”
  9. Take the next step toward success. The downside of worry is inaction. Winston Church said, “I never worry about action, but only inaction.
  10. Ask, “What will we do if the worst happens?”
  11. Seek counsel from experts.
  12. Err on the side of trusting qualified people.

For female leaders:

Worry is seen as more of a problem for women than men. Deal with the woman-worry-wart problem:

  1. Avoid saying, “I’m worried.”
  2. Frame your worries in the context of preparation.
  3. Say, “I’m trusting you to …,” if you feel worried.


Successful leaders respond to worry with plans and action.

What are the dangers of worry?

How can leaders address the challenge of worry?

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